Author page: Cassie Hamer - Author


It’s my great pleasure to introduce Sarah Armstrong, a former Walkley award-winning ABC journalist whose first novel ‘Salt Rain’ was short-listed for a number of awards, including the Miles Franklin. Her second novel ‘His Other House’ is now in bookshops and it’s totally absorbing. In this interview Sarah talks about writing, ethics and parenting – and managing all three at…

REVIEW: ‘Big Little Lies’ by Liane Moriarty

big-little-liesIN 140 CHARACTERS OR LESS:

This book is an iron-fist in a velvet glove. You think you’re reading chick-lit, and BAM, you’re suddenly reading about one of the most serious issues facing society today.

Australian Women Writers Challenge

How long has this awesome initiative been going? Quite a while it seems. Anyway, while I’m a bit late to this particular party – The Australian Women Writers Challenge – I am now there with bells on. It is so far up my alley that I have, of course, joined up. The idea is to re-dress the gender imbalance in…

The Best Children’s Easter Books

Easter is my favourite holiday of the year. The season is changing. It’s a beautiful chance to spend time with family. And, there’s none of the stress of buying a billion and one presents for everyone. I am all for children getting an egg or two at Easter, but quite frankly, the amount of chocolate they receive is slightly ridiculous. So – here’s a solution. Get an easter-themed book instead.


You cannot imagine my delight when award-winning Tasmanian author, Danielle Wood, agreed to be Book Birdy’s inaugural author interviewee!  I adored her latest work, Mothers Grimm, in which she twists up traditional fairy tales into darkly funny stories of contemporary motherhood. Happily, the lady is as funny in interview as she is in fiction. What gave you the idea to…