Author page: Cassie Hamer - Author

On Writing: Why Rejection IS Personal

There’s a little excel spreadsheet on my computer, which I refer to as my hall of fame and shame. It’s where I keep track of the pieces I’ve submitted to competitions or literary journals. I write the name of the story, when it was submitted, and in the third column I record the outcome. It makes for mixed reading. In…

On mean reviews, and ‘A Guide to Berlin,’ by Gail Jones

I nearly didn’t read this book. When I heard about the Nabokovian inspiration for it, I was immediately daunted. Confession: I have not read Nabokov. I understand his writing is sublime, and that may be the problem. I’m intimidated. Therefore, when I heard that Gail Jones’ A Guide to Berlin was named after one of Nabokov’s short stories and contained…

Happy Writing New Year!

You know how the Chinese celebrate the lunar New Year? Well, I have a Writing New Year – and I’m celebrating it today! Why this actual day, you ask? Pretty simple. Today is the first day in nearly two months where I’ve had more than one hour of peace and quiet. Yes, the kids have gone back to school/kindy, meaning…

Meet Sara Foster, Author of ‘All That is Lost Between Us’

Domestic noir. It’s great, right? All those twists and turns, secrets, and multi-layered plots and characters. No wonder it’s huge. So, it’s a great thrill to welcome Sara Foster to the blog today – Australia’s (via the UK) own Queen of domestic noir. Her new book – All That is Lost Between Us – is a work of psychological suspense, set…

My Night with Nigella

Okay, so it wasn’t just Nigella and I living it up at the Sydney Opera House. There were 1500 of our new besties. And some bright sparked asked Annabel Crabb along to ask the questions. I know! Annabel! It was like someone reached into my brain and started putting together my fantasy dinner party list. Anyway, it was quite the…

Reading, Watching and Writing: Weekly Round-Up

READING: An extraordinary book is a wondrous thing. But my gosh, it sort of ruins you for whatever book you pick up next. Do you find that? I finished A Little Life last week (read my thoughts here), and have struggled to engage with anything ever since. I’ve downloaded a couple of samples but have realised (thanks again to A…

Reading, Watching and Writing: Weekly Round-Up

READING Every so often a book comes along that makes you want to press pause on the world, just so you can finish it. A Little Life is that book. I’m only half-way through this Man Booker Prize Long-listee, but my goodness – what an experience! I will definitely be writing more about this, once I’ve finished. It’s the type…