Author page: Cassie Hamer - Author

Reading, Writing and Watching: Weekly Round-Up

Ah, life! Just when you think you’ve got it nailed, it comes up and bites you on the behind. I think it’s two weeks since I last did an *ahem* weekly round-up. But that’s because of life. Or death, to be more precise. A death in the family makes blogging seem inconsequential. Actually, it makes everything seem inconsequential. I guess…

Reflections: ‘The World Without Us’, by Mireille Juchau

the-world-without-usIN BRIEF:

This book wins the title for most beautiful cover of the year, and what’s on the pages more than matches it. This is a gentle, flowing, river of a thing with currents of poetic writing on the surface, and an undertow of an intriguing story.

Reading, Watching & Writing: Weekly Round-up

One thing I have learned about blogging is that it is all about momentum. Getting started is hard, but once your site is up and running and those dastardly technical glitches are ironed out, you get into a groove of reading, writing and posting. Then life intervenes. You go away. Someone falls sick. You have a dry spell of reading…

My Manuscript is done. What now?

Yesterday, a parcel arrived on my doorstep. One I had been expecting, but still, as I picked it up, there was a twinge of excitement. It was my manuscript. Printed in full for the first time. ‘What is that?’ my six year old asked, as I took to the parcel with scissors. ‘It’s a story I wrote.’ She eyed it…

The State of Publishing: As Discussed at Sydney’s newest literary festival

‘There is a great love affair with the word’ – Jane Curry, Ventura Publishing What a terrific, and truthful sentiment with which to kick off the latest addition to Sydney’s literary festival scene – the inaugural Writers in the Park, held yesterday in a rather soggy Centennial Park. There is a love affair with the word. Of that I had…