
On mean reviews, and ‘A Guide to Berlin,’ by Gail Jones

I nearly didn’t read this book. When I heard about the Nabokovian inspiration for it, I was immediately daunted. Confession: I have not read Nabokov. I understand his writing is sublime, and that may be the problem. I’m intimidated. Therefore, when I heard that Gail Jones’ A Guide to Berlin was named after one of Nabokov’s short stories and contained…

Meet Georgia Madden, author of ‘Confessions of a Once Fashionable Mum’

They say books find you when you need them. When ‘Confessions of a Once Fashionable Mum’ found me, I was in desperate need of a laugh – and that’s what this book delivered. Author, Georgia Madden, takes us deep into the cringe-worthy and difficult moments of new motherhood, via the ‘once fashionable’, Ally Bloom. Ally’s first year of motherhood is…

Meet Claire Varley, author of ‘The Bit in Between’

Claire Varley is that rare bird whose manuscript made it off the slush pile and into publication. And what a manuscript it is! ‘The Bit in Between‘ is laugh-out-loud funny (seriously, there were chuckles of audible volume) but also slightly whimsical and romantic as we watch our two gen y-ers, Alison and Oliver, fall in love. (Read more of my…