Tag: josephine moon.

Reading for Entertainment: ‘The Beekeeper’s Secret,’ by Josephine Moon, ‘The Lover’s Guide to Rome,’ by Mark Lamprell and ‘Rose’s Vintage’, by Kayte Nunn

There’s this natty little function on the Sydney Writer’s Festival website that allows you to search for events by genre. There’s fiction, of course (more than 60 events, mostly literary fiction) but also more ‘niche’ genres, such as crime (16 events), sport (6 events), even spirituality and religion (6 events). But have a guess at how many events fall under…


We are in for a guilt-free treat! Josephine Moon is the Queensland author of two thoroughly delectable works of ‘foodie fiction’. I described her latest release, ‘The Chocolate Promise’, as the literary equivalent of a nourishing, heart-warming cup of tea – which, funnily enough, was the focus of her first novel, ‘The Tea Chest.’  In this interview, Josephine talks to Book Birdy…